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Pomegranate Bush: punica granatum

Revered by ancient peoples and one of the first fruits cultivated in the world, pomegranates are packed with antioxidants, which prevent free radicals from damaging cells. Modern studies have shown that just 2 ounces of pomegranate juice daily keeps the cardiovascular system, including arteries, healthy. Additionally, it has been proven that diets rich in fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, along with regular exercise, might slow or help prevent the development of cancer. This is a small ornamental yard tree, with brilliant red flowers in the late spring and red fruit in the late fall, reminiscent of Christmas ornaments. The edible portions are the fleshy seed coverings which add tang to salads or fruit drinks. The varieties we offer are all self-fertile, low chill (150 hours), and hardy to 15?? F. When shipped, pomegranates are 1 to 2 years of age, approximately 1 to 2 feet in height unless noted otherwise.

Bloom Period
Low Chill

9 products found in Pomegranate Bush

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